17 Jul Bitukura gorilla family Bitukura gorilla family is located in Ruhija sector in Bwindi impenetrable national park. This family was named after the river Bitukura in Bwindi where this group was cited first and where it is still living as of now, further is regarded to be one of the friendliest groups of gorillas with four male silverbacks staying together in the same family. The dominant silverback among these include Ndahura who is a family head silverback and the other male silverbacks are called Karamuzi,Rukumu and Rukara with other eleven(11) gorillas and in total the group is comprised of 13 member families. As the habit that for gorilla trekking groups to be first habituated, this particular group was habituated in 2007 and in 2008 the Bitukura gorilla family was already for available for trekking and thus this was quickest family to be fully habituated in only one year and one month since gorilla habituation process began in Bwindi national park since other take 2-3years to be habituated. What is important and unusual about Bitukura gorilla family is that it’s family that was headed by the youngest silverback called Ndahura who died four years back after getting a tree accident. At his youngest age, he got this leadership enthronement from Karamuzi who served his 40 years and retired, call it total democracy, as of now Karamuzi is under the control of Bitura Silverback who is the leader. Further different individuals continued to broke away from this Bitukura gorilla family however this has not stopped the group from growing as others leave the rest are borne with the latest addition to this family known as Ruhara is adult now. The quickest habituation of this family was as the result of its closeness with Bitukura Kyaguriro family and as the rangers and researchers were dealing with it then this Bitura group could as well get used to them and when its turn reached for habituation reached then it did take a short time for it to be used to the travelers. It’s very interesting to trek this gorilla family due to its discipline The real Oruzogo gorilla family The last gorilla family in Ruhija sector is called the Oruzogo family which we call the most stubborn and most loved by travelers due to its braveness and it is player full skills especially when it sees tourists. This character of this family entertains travelers and they cannot think of their time elapsing when interacting with individuals of this particular group. This a family was officially opened in 2011 after it was fully habituated with twenty-two members with Bakwata silverback as the leader. The family’s name Oruzogo was derived from a good renown plant called Oruzogoto which inhabits the park of Ruhija where this type of gorilla family was sighted in the park, therefore, travelers can as well see the best plant species that houses these species. Other key members of this group can be identified as silverback Bakwate (meaning bright and quicker learner), silverback Tibirikwata and adult female Mutesi (tranquil and comfortable). Other members include black back Busungu (hot-tempered), Adult female Kakobe (resembles a baboon because of her long and protruding nose like that of a baboon), Adult female Kashundwe (has a mole on the nose), Adult female Nyakiina (has a depression on her nose bridge) and Adult female Birungi (pretty).Irrespective of difficulties in trekking this family associated with rugged terrain, it has turned out to be a very interesting gorilla family that leaves travelers turned with wonders. Therefore, our travelers to Ruhija sector can effectively be able to watch and see all these group families and permits can be booked in advance due to increasing the number of tourists to Bwindi impenetrable National Park. As African adventure vacations, we book for you the permits for your travel thus contact us for your safari plan. 0 Bwindi Gorilla Park