31 Jan Flights to Mgahinga national park Flights to Mgahinga national park: Flying to Mgahinga national park is a quicker alternative to heading out by the road. The flights to Mgahinga national park do have tourists from 9 to 10 hours on a road trip. Booking a flight to Mgahinga national park is a very easy process whether you are dealing with a local tour operator or not. Tourists interested in having flights to Mgahinga national park need to know that flight land at Kisoro airstrip which is located near Kisoro town not so far from the park. There are two main airline companies offering domestic flights connecting to Mgahinga national park and other tourist destinations in Uganda. Bar Aviation Uganda and Aerolink Uganda are the common airline companies used by travelers that want to fly to different national parks including Mgahinga. These airline companies normally have 1 flight in a day to Kisoro because of the bad weather conditions. The flying time to Kisoro airstrip is normally 1 hour and 25 minutes and connecting to Mgahinga national park takes a few minutes. Flights to Mgahinga national park differ from the airline company used they range from $200 to $300 and the return means a two way flight costs $350 to $500. Flights to Mgahinga national park stop at Kisoro airstrip which is the closest airstrip to the park. The flights start from Kajjansi airstrip or Entebbe international airport taking 1 hour and 25 minutes to reach Kisoro airstrip. From Kisoro airstrip to Mgahinga national park, you are transferred by a safari vehicle by your safari guide. Due to high numbers of tourists visiting Mgahinga national park during the peak season months which are June, July, August, September, December, January, and February. Tourists are advised to do their booking early enough like in 3 to 4 months or more in advance to secure their seats and avoid last-minute booking disappointments. Tourists who are working with local tour operators on their safaris to Mgahinga national park don’t have to worry about flight booking because that work is always done by the tour operator. On the other hand, tourists who are organizing the safaris to Mgahinga themselves can do direct bookings with the airline companies by contacting them via emails gotten from their websites. Bar Aviation Uganda has one daily flight to Mgahinga national park. Flight number 711 does depart from Entebbe at 0705 and arrives at Kisoro at 0830. The second flight by Bar Aviation Uganda flight number 712 does depart from Kisoro at 0845 and arrives at Entebbe at 1125. Aerolink Uganda also has one daily light to Mgahinga national park. The first flight starts from Entebbe at 0700 and arrives at Kisoro at 0810. The second flight starts from Kisoro at 0825 and arrives at Entebbe at 1125. Flights to Mgahinga national park landing at Kisoro airstrip are subject to predominant weather conditions and are strictly in morning hours. This is why all airline companies like Bar Aviation Uganda and Aerolink Uganda have only one flight connecting to Kisoro. Where to stay upon arrival in Mgahinga Tourists that are flying to Mgahinga national park have a lot of accommodation facilities where they can stay based on their travel budget. The accommodation facilities of Mgahinga national park range from budget to mid-range and luxury options for example Mount Gahinga Lodge, Mount Gahinga Rest Camp, Mgahinga Gorilla Triangle Lodge, Tiloreza Volcanoes Lodge, Musasa Mountain Safari Lodge, Mgahinga Safari Lodge, Mountain Gahinga Rest Camp, and Mutanda Safari Lodge. Major activities to do in Mgahinga national park on your flying safari Gorilla trekking This is the most done activity carried out in Mgahinga national park. Mgahinga national park is the smallest national park in the country but is among the national parks which receive the highest number of visitors. Mountain gorillas are endangered species of primates close to human beings with 98% human DNA and that is why people from different parts of the world fly to see them. Gorilla trekking can only be done once you have a gorilla trekking permit from the Uganda Wildlife Authority. First is the briefing where trekkers learn about the rules and regulations of trekking and later is the ranger guides with firearms leading trekkers into the jungle. Searching and meeting the gorillas takes 2 to 7 hours but the moment you meet them rangers give you one hour to be around them and this is enough for you to learn about the gorilla habits, watch them do daily activities, and take photos. Golden monkey trekking Mgahinga national park is the only area where tourists in Uganda can meet golden monkeys. On a flying safari to Mgahinga national park, the golden monkey trekking is an activity you should miss out because it’s done only in this park. Golden monkey trekkers involve going into the jungle and looking for where the monkeys could be. Like gorilla trekking, you are given 1 hour to be around the members, watch them do daily activities, and take photos among others. Best time to visit Tourists who want to visit Mgahinga national park by flight can visit at any time of the year however the dry season is the best. The dry season happens from June to September and December to February every year. what makes the dry season good is that the weather is so good, the trekking trails are dry, and the vegetation inside the park is short with good views of wildlife. 0 news