25 Jul Nature walks in Kidepo valley national park Nature walks in Kidepo valley national park: Kidepo valley national park is a hidden game with a lot of amazing attractions. The scenery in the savannah landscape of Kidepo valley national park is attractive. Tourists are allowed to explore the wilderness on foot through the savannah vegetation and discover what is inside the park. Nature walk activities take tours so close to the vegetation and wildlife giving tourists a true wilderness experience. Lots of tourists leave their cars behind and walk through different areas of Kidepo valley national park on foot to get so close to nature. Because nature walks are guided by armed range guides, a walk through Kidepo valley national park is safe. The armed ranger guides lead you to every area of the park you visit and make sure you are safe from animals that could be dangerous. The nature walks in Kidepo valley national park Nature walks in Kidepo valley national park do start with a briefing at the park headquarters (Apoka Tourism Office) where tourists are taught about the rules and regulations of the activity. The briefing is done to enable tourists know how to behave while in the jungle so as to be safe together with the animals. After the briefing, tourists do drive to areas where they are to carry out nature walks from because some are far. Safari vehicles are left somewhere and tourists do get out and enter the wilderness on foot. Led by armed ranger guides tourists are always safe and comfortable in the jungle. There are several areas where nature walks are made in Kidepo valley national park and among these include Narus Valley, Kidepo Valley, Apoka area, Kanangorok hotsprings, and Namamukweny Valley among others. How long the nature walks takes is always determined by the fitness of the tourists, weather, sightings, and nature of the terrain. A nature walk in areas of Kidepo park does tourists an opportunity of meeting wild animals such as cape buffaloes, giraffes, roan antelopes, zebras, cheetahs, ostriches, warthogs, warthogs, side stripped jackals, hartebeests, reedbucks, dikdik, klipspringers, ad much more. Tourists who are lucky can even get to see the lions or leopards on a walking safari in Narus valley area. Other activities that can be done in Kidepo valley national park Game drives Game drives top the list of activities done in Kidepo valley national park. Tourists visit the park to see the so many wild animals that are said to be living here. Over 67 mammals and about 5 primates live in the savannah vegetated area of Kidepo valley national park and most of these can be seen during game drive activities. The game drives are done in Kidepo Valley and the Narus valley where a huge population of animals does live. On your game drive activity in Kidepo Valley national park, you will be looking out for animals such as spotted hyenas, lions, cheetahs, leopards, cape buffaloes, roan antelopes, lesser kudus, giraffes, olive baboons, oryx, zebras, Uganda kobs, waterbucks, blue monkeys, warthogs, gazelles, klipspringers, side stripped jackals, patas monkeys, African wild dogs, gazelles, dik-diks, hartebeests, and reedbucks among others. Bird watching Bird watching is another activity that can be combined with nature walks. Both activities are done on foot but with birding you are taken to areas where a high population of birds lives and you go there looking for birds specifically. Over 476 bird species live in Kidepo park and participating in the bird watching exercise would help you see more than half of these bird species. The bird watching in Kidepo valley national park will enable you to see bird species such as Karamoja apalis, black-breasted barbet, kori bustard, little bee-eater, dark chanting goshawk, ostrich, red and yellow barbet, verreaux’s eagle, red cordon bleu, Ethiopian swallow, black-headed plover, clapperton’s francolin, straw tailed whydah’s, red-winged pytilia, yellow-rumped seedeater, orange winged pytilia, Egyptian vulture and bruce’s green pigeon among others. Community tours Tourists who love African culture can always combine community tours with nature walks. Community tours can take place in the homes of the IK people or the Karamajong. These two tribes have done a lot to preserve their culture and they are among the best tribes in the country. A visit to the IK or Karamajong community will give you an opportunity to learn about who they are, where they came from, and what they do for a living. All tribes do have a group of women who entertain tourists through dance and drama. Best time to visit Kidepo National Park Tourists can visit Kidepo valley national park for a number of activities including nature walks at any time of the year. There are two weather seasons in Kidepo park and tourists looking at the best time should visit during the dry seasons. June to September and December to February are the best times to visit the park because they have little rainfall and plenty of sunshine. The vegetation is short and scattered and the game tracks/walking trails are dry and passable. Tourists can still have a safari in Kidepo valley national park and participate in nature walks during the rainy season. March to May and October to November are the rainy season months in the park so tourists need to be ready for rainfall at any time of the day. The walking trails in the rainy season tend to be sleepily and the vegetation is taller with unclear views of some of the wildlife within the park. 0 news